On Thu, 16 Aug 2001, Cerqua, Toby wrote:
client needs 45Mbps pushed over 20 miles... and he wants it wireless. the kicker is that they don't want a T3 because it is "too expensive" and it would take too long to get installed. it doesn't need to be constant, but he wants to move of 2.5GB within 45 minutes. this is in the chicago area, if that helps any. so, i don't know, satellite?
We use satellite here and get it over 45Mb/s easy (although that is across a lot of customers rather than between just 2 hosts). However considering leased lines are cheaper in this part of the world than satellite I can't imagine it's a cheap option in the central US. By the time you add the price of the circuit to the uplink site, and the rental of 45Mb/s worth of carrier ( just how cheap do you think enough carrier space for 4-45 (choose your compression) TV channels to everywhere in North America is? ) and other costs ( mosts local govts don't just let you chuck up 4M sat dishes without a permit) I can't image satellite is an option. Look at some of the other options people have outlined here (especially moving the information via truck/motorbike/helo) and go back to the client and discuss what they really want to do. -- Simon Lyall. | Newsmaster | Work: simon.lyall@ihug.co.nz Senior Network/System Admin | Postmaster | Home: simon@darkmere.gen.nz ihug, Auckland, NZ | Asst Doorman | Web: http://www.darkmere.gen.nz