This is a improvement over some russian spies, that have the passwords written down in a piece of paper. http://www.networkworld.com/news/2010/063010-russian-spy-ring.html?hpg1=bn <<One of the technical issues the ring faced was described by one suspect in a message to Moscow reporting on a meeting between two spies "A" and "M": "Meeting with M went as planned … A passed to M laptop, two flash drives, and $9K in cash. From what M described, the problem with his equipment is due to his laptop "hanging"/"freezing" before completion of the normal program run." >> Windows XP crapines, slowing down russian spies :D My password at home is "don't be the low hanging fruit". Every time that I read on the news that USA is funding this or that cracking group I get a bit angry. Thats a world where is best to not put money. More like direct Interpol to stop mafias profiting from it, to remove money from it. The least thing we want is a "cyber arms race". But if you don't want one, don't start one. -- -- ℱin del ℳensaje.