These are two seperate issues. One is, should you base your hardware choice on V6 support? The other is, will there be a mass rollout of v6 in the 2004-2005 time frame? The first issue is specific to your network, but I suspect it's a low priority for most. As far as a mass rollout of v6 - I'm not holding my breath, 3G or not. I suspect that v4 is here until we run out of address space, and from all indications, that is not happening any time soon. Foundry, in particular, has always tended to be very customer-driven in their feature sets. I suspect any support for IPv6 on their platform would be greatly dependent on customer requirements. Thanks, - Daniel Golding
Phil Rosenthal Said.... Yes, I don't think we need it 'right now'. My concern is that at this point many companies are still buying routers that as of today have no support for IPv6. Given that a BigIron/65xx is mostly hardware forwarding, I speculate that they wont be able to support IPv6 with a trivial software upgrade (at least not at the same performance level). So, is someone buying such equipment today 'wasting money' since it will be completely obsolete with the onset of mass IPv6 roll-out likely in 2004 or 2005?