You can look at tools like NS2/NS3 or OMNet++, but these are not going to do what you want out of the box, they are a framework for network simulation but you'll have to program them to do what you want, they are more used in academic settings. If you want a nice interface you are kind of stuck right now with the commercial offerings from Cariden, OpNet, WANDL (now Juniper), and Aria Networks. Most of those packages are extensible via scripting if you want to do additional things. Phil On 11/2/14, 3:15 AM, "Mohamed Kamal" <mkamal@noor.net> wrote:
I'm aware about the Cisco MATE software, but I'd prefer an open-source, vendor-agnostic one, something that in-house imporvements can also be achieved.
On 11/2/2014 12:01 PM, mohamed Osama Saad Abo sree wrote:
You can use Caridan tool, Cisco own it currently and it does all the computation needed and can draw your network topology
Mohamed Kamal Core Network Engineer