Hey folks, I am following up to an ancient email because I'm curious if anyone has some SNMP-related resources. Basically, there's a lot of how-to or manpage sort of information, but I'm still unclear on what an MIB actually _is_, what problem ASN.1 actually solves, and more to the point how the whole shebang (I'm using net-snmpd) is typically used. I believe that what I need to do is get any/all MIBs for all "entities" (typically networking hardware devices) that I want to monitor, and import them into the net-snmp configuration somehow, and then software that calls on net-snmp can access the information from the devices. Is this accurate? Will I need to import MIBs to every net mgmt application? Should they be carefully accounted for and synchronized, or can I treat them like a typical configuration file, where it is obvious if I need it and I get them as needed? On Thu, Jan 25, 2007 at 02:43:40PM +0100, Florian Weimer wrote:
How about something like: http://www.hdfgroup.org/whatishdf5.html I don't think they support transactional updates, which makes it hard to use for live data. (A simple crash, and you need to recover from backup.)
Hmm, doesn't that depend on how they do their writes and the structure of the file/database? I can think of a number of things that write to disk which recover automagically if they crash which don't have transaction logs or rollback or anything like that... it's just inherent in how they write. -- Kill dash nine, and its no more CPU time, kill dash nine, and that process is mine. -><- <URL:http://www.subspacefield.org/~travis/> For a good time on my UBE blacklist, email john@subspacefield.org.