How do you know that none of the prefixes had ROA? The ones that had got stopped by Telias filter, so we would never know. This is exactly the situation where RPKI already works. My and yours prefixes, provided you like me have ROAs, will not be leaked through Telia and a number of other large transits. Even if they did not have proper filters in place. Driving without RPKI / ROA is like driving without a seatbelt. You are fine until the day someone makes a mistake and then you wish you did your job at signing those prefixes sooner. Regards, Baldur On Fri, Jul 31, 2020 at 3:35 PM Mark Tinka <mark.tinka@seacom.com> wrote:
On 31/Jul/20 03:57, Aftab Siddiqui wrote:
Not a single prefix was signed, what I saw. May be good reason for Rogers, Charter, TWC etc to do that now. It would have stopped the propagation at Telia.
While I am a huge proponent for ROA's and ROV, it is a massive expectation to req filtering to work on the basis of all BGP participants creating their ROA's. It's what I would like, but there is always going to be a lag on this one.
If none of the prefixes had a ROA, no amount of Telia's shiny new "we drop invalids" machine would have helped, as we saw with this incident. ROV really only comes into its own when the majority of the Internet has correct ROA's setup. In the absence of that, it's a powerful but toothless feature.
So while I will continue pushing for the rest of the world to create ROA's, turn on RPKI and enable ROV, I'll also advocate that operators continue to have both AS- and prefix-based filters. Not either/or, but both. Also, max-prefix as a matter of course.