Every single download link on the page for the MPEG videos are broken or maybe the sites are too busy? In addition the link to get the IPTV software is also broken at: ftp://limestone.uoregon.edu/pub/videolab/iptv-30.zip -----Original Message----- From: Lucy E. Lynch [mailto:llynch@darkwing.uoregon.edu] Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 2:25 PM To: hardie@equinix.com Cc: nanog@merit.edu Subject: Re: UO slashdotted We're also got a mirror up - the UO page: http://videolab.uoregon.edu/nanog/carnivore/ but point here would be that the multicast session is way more effective - given the bandwidth, an MPEG capable client already installed, and multicast turned up for your site ;-) Lucy E. Lynch Academic User Services Computing Center University of Oregon llynch@darkwing.uoregon.edu (541) 346-1774 Cell: (541) 912-7998 5419127998@mobile.att.net Key fingerprint = 2C 80 2F 8C 5F 68 37 E3 AC 16 09 F1 36 E4 61 15