On Jun 18, Brian Horvitz <horvitz@websecure.net> wrote:
Can someone give me a clue on filtering mail on using the stock sendmail that comes with Solaris?
I can probably point you in the right direction (it's a hobby of mine), but the first step is unquestionably to upgrade to a modern sendmail.
Anyway, I have the email address that he is using as for the FROM: field so I'd like to simply block that out.
That won't be enough. Now that one spammer knows your site allows relaying, you can expect more to do the same thing.
Help would be appreciated.
The best resource is http://spam.abuse.net/ -- the patches and recipes at http://www.sendmail.org/ don't work for everybody yet. Feel free to bug me privately if you've got any questions about which one to use, etc. -- J.D. Falk, Network Operations Center Supervisor +1 (415) 482-2840 Priori Networks, Inc. http://www.priori.net "The people you know. The people you trust."