On Mar 29, 2017, at 11:06 AM, Leo Bicknell <bicknell@ufp.org> wrote:
While I haven't looked at real mailing list software recently (e.g. mailman) when I last did they didn't suport this either and it took a pile of 3rd party hacks to make it work.
The latest versions of Mailman (2.1.23 and 3.0.0) both work reasonably well out-of-the-box with SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. Some additional configuration tuning might be necessary for additional compatibility. However, those features are still available in an out-of-the-box configuration, they’re just not enabled by default because they might cause more problems than they would solve for certain types of typical installations. So, if you want those features, you need to turn them on. IMO, Mailman3 works better out-of-the-box with SPF, DKIM, and DMARC as compared to Mailman 2.1.x, but that codebase is still pretty fresh. We’re now using it by default for mailing lists hosted on python.org, but we have not yet converted any of the older Mailman 2.1.x lists over to Mailman 3. We haven’t noticed any major problems yet with the latest version of Mailman3, but we still want to be careful in our testing.
For that matter, setting up DKIM is horrendously complicated for no good reason…
Sites like DMARCian help with that process to a degree, but there’s still a lot of complexity there that I would like to see handled automatically. Unfortunately, that’s kind of the nature of the beast right now with these tools. The technology is still complex and difficult to configure, and it’s easy to set things up in a way that you wind up shooting yourself in the foot — and possibly with a large thermonuclear device. No provider is immune to these mistakes, and some providers are more likely to make big mistakes than others. -- Brad Knowles <brad@shub-internet.org>