Gosh, this is exactly what my ten seconds of observation earlier this afternoon told me. And that's with ZERO connection to the entire Tonga matter, except that I am (along with other NANOG readers) getting very tired of your increasingly emotional and irrational claims. Please take your ranting to domain-policy, which is a more appropriate forum for your discussion. This in about politics, not operations. Stephen (not my employer) Barry Shein wrote:
But thank you for affirming that, as I said, the web page for the Consulate of Tonga was changed today from an ad for a software company to something to do with Tonga.
On October 2, 1998 at 09:15 egullich@tonic.to (Eric Gullichsen) wrote:
We recently moved a number of servers to a colocated facility for improved bandwidth. The mail POP for the Consulate was one of these, and now runs on a machine supporting a number of virtual IP addresses. There is no web page for the Consulate, and as a result of the fact that there was no explicit VirtualHost directive for sfconsulate.gov.to in the Apache config file, web accesses defaulted to another virtual IP on the same machine, which is that of a software company.
As a result of your discovering this, I recently added a VirtualHost directive so that accesses to port 80 on the sfconsulate.gov.to IP address return the Tonga Visitor's Bureau home page, www.vacations.tvb.gov.to Thank you for pointing this out.
-- | | Stephen Sprunk, KD5DWP, CCIE #3723 :|: :|: NSA, Network Consulting Engineer :|||: :|||: 14875 Landmark Blvd #400; Dallas, TX .:|||||||:..:|||||||:. Pager: 800-365-4578 / 800-901-6078 C I S C O S Y S T E M S Email: ssprunk@cisco.com