16 May
16 May
12:59 a.m.
The Spring 1998 NOC contact test is over. Here are the results. 69 U.S. network contacts 'worked,' with an extremely liberal definition of worked 2 infrastructure (RSNG, InterNIC) contacts 'worked,' with an extremely liberal definition of worked 11 e-mail addresses changed 28 phone numbers changed 4 phone numbers disconnected, not in service, no answer or busy for 5 days 2 automated call system timeout 3 contacts unable or unwilling to confirm contact information 1 (maybe more) contact information missing from my records http://dranet.dra.com/verify-contact.html corrections may be sent to sean@dra.com -- Sean Donelan, Data Research Associates, Inc, St. Louis, MO Affiliation given for identification not representation