If you are happy with the proposal that NSI continue to be the monopoly registrar, for an extra 2 years, then do nothing. Otherwise, perhaps you would be willing to send _your_ anecdotal experience to someone that could do something about it: your government minister, your US Congressional Representative or Senator, or the persons that schedule hearings on these matters. If a US person or company, you might want to send a short note ASKING for the House Science committee (probably the technology sub-committee) to meet to review the NSF/NSI imbroglio, or ASKING for the House Commerce committee to review the Magaziner proposed Rule. Here are the general contacts: James Sensenbrenner Science Committee 2320 Rayburn Washington DC 20515 Connie Morella Science Technology sub-committee 2319 Rayburn Washington DC 20515 Thomas Blyley Commerce Committee 2125 Rayburn Washington DC 20515 John Dingell Commerce Committee 2125 Rayburn Washington DC 20515 WSimpson@UMich.edu Key fingerprint = 17 40 5E 67 15 6F 31 26 DD 0D B9 9B 6A 15 2C 32