This is not a NANOG topic, but I felt I should respond, feal free to hit D now. On Mon, 25 Aug 1997, Ehud Gavron wrote:
So when you just admitted you SHOULD HAVE PAID the bill, but didn't want to, and you didn't order the circuits, do you really expect three fiber carriers to drop their drawers to get their business?
I said I should have paid the bill because our customers should be the top priority. You then can deal with them in later. I actually did not think they would shut it off because it was disputed. If you check with the records the thing I signed with worldcom said I was paying the bills to get my network up, not because I owed the money.
I hate to tell you, but if you think stiffing Worldcom 300K you owed them and then trying to blame THEM for it is legitimate business practices, you need to buy a bigger clue.
I don't think so.
"No bible-toting fool who won't pay his bills will be in business long." - Ehud (look it up, it's in the same book.)
I have been in business for 3 years and God has blessed me a lot, but this is not a nanog topic so I will not go into that. Nathan Stratton President, CTO, NetRail,Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Phone (888)NetRail NetRail, Inc. Fax (404)522-1939 230 Peachtree Suite 500 WWW http://www.netrail.net/ Atlanta, GA 30303 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "No king is saved by the size of his army; no warrior escapes by his great strength. - Psalm 33:16