On Mon, 28 May 2001, J.D. Falk wrote:
On 05/28/01, Mitch Halmu <mitch@netside.net> wrote:
So here's the essence of my reasoning: your approach to combat spamming and your methods of enforcement are wrong. You employ the same argument to restrict relays as used against lawful gun owners by those that want to take them away. You are unwilling to go after the actual spammers, and
This is nonsense...most of us "go after the actual spammers" as best as we can and the law permits us. If you supply plastic explosives to terrorists with no checks, you may not be directly responsible for their actions, but you are certainly part of the problem. If you have an open relay, you are a big part of the spam problem, whether you like it or not.
instead punish network owners for someone else's client deeds. Well, that won't fly in America. There is your legal precedent in spirit.
What does "america" have to do with it? Open relays are all over the place, and a big PITA. Refusing your mail is *my* right, as owner of my network; and also my responsibility. Of course it is your "right" to have an open relay if you like, just don't expect everyone else to accept email from it.
The core problem with your reasoning is that you consider any site's refusal of your mail to be "enforcement," presumably some type of punishment, while most of the folks who deny your mail see it as security. They are protecting themselves from the people that YOU have allowed to abuse your mail server. They don't know or care who you are, who your users are, or what your reasons for allowing that abuse might be.
I would argue that it's both "enforcement" and security. I know MAPS has to argue otherwise in court, but let's face it, incentive is alot of what it's about. James Smallacombe PlantageNet, Inc. CEO and Janitor up@3.am http://3.am =========================================================================