On Tue, Jul 23, 2002 at 10:20:58PM +0200, Brad Knowles wrote:
At 2:29 AM -0400 2002/07/23, Phil Rosenthal wrote:
IMHO Even the really large DNSBL's are barely used -- I think (much) less than 5% of total human mail recipients are behind a mailserver that uses one...
Not true. There are plenty of large sites that use them (e.g., AOL), and many sites use them to help ensure that they themselves don't get added to the black lists.
Is true.. those "large sites" still account for an infinitely small percentage of the net.
IMO, there is a serious risk of having DNSBL servers attacked and used as a DoS.
Yes, there is a risk but the exposure is negligble if it does occur. I'm all for anti-spam measures but unless they're universally adopted and the world governments start putting spammers out of business, these anti-spam blacklists are more of an annoyance operated by a radical fringe of the net. I get 500-600 pieces of spam a day, and there is nothing I can do about it. This topic has also been discussed to death before, the potential for a DoS atatck is patently obvious to everyone. [snipped] (I also trimmed the Cc list)