Once upon a time, Nathan Eisenberg <nathan@atlasnetworks.us> said:
AFAIK there's no law covering the use of what party X considers their 32 bit numbers (assigned by party A) by party Y.
So, to pose the obvious question: Should there be?
(I honestly don't know the answer is to this question, and am asking in earnest for opinions on the subject)
Personally, I'd rather see the networking community work it out internally, rather than invite government intervention (I hardly think it would stop at regulating 32/128 bit numbers). Besides, how would that work? Say ARIN assigns US company X (operating only in the US) a block, but German company Y (with no US operations) starts announcing the same block. How are US or German laws going to help, when the parties have no common jurisdiction? There need to be better ways to notify (and get action from) upstreams, upstreams/peers of upstreams, etc. Since not all peering is public knowledge, it can be difficult to know who needs notification, so some type of clearinghouse would be good. Maybe a mailing list, made up of network operators, in some type of group, ... :-) -- Chris Adams <cmadams@hiwaay.net> Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.