Maintenance windows are common on most network service providers, have been for years....... -Henry --- Joel Jaeggli <joelja@darkwing.uoregon.edu> wrote:
On Sun, 23 Apr 2006, Peter Dambier wrote:
If I understand you correctly then it does not make sense reporting errors here as long as I dont have a clue.
Reporting a google outage here will likely have no effect on the ETR. It is entirely likely that other people on the list will not be able to observe the same outage.
People with a clue dont know I have a problem.
There is no problem as long as I dont report it.
It is in your interest and those of other who depend on a given service to track the availablity of that service. Whether or not mail sent to the nanog lists represents a meaningful sample of google adwords customers is left as an exercise for the reader.
That saves a lot of bandwidth urgently needed for ranting :)
Have a nice weekend. Cheers Peter and Karin
Joel Jaeggli Unix Consulting joelja@darkwing.uoregon.edu GPG Key Fingerprint: 5C6E 0104 BAF0 40B0 5BD3 C38B F000 35AB B67F 56B2