See http://www.iadl.org/sorbs/sorbs-story.html SORBS seems to be collecting a lot of sensitive information to view listings: Name: Preferred Login ID: Password: Confirm Password: Home Phone: Business Phone: Mobile Phone: Email Address: Company: Autonomous Systems Number: Security Question: Security Answer: Skill Level: None, I can play games though. A little, just use them for email. Average, familiar with them, used at home and work. A lot, sysadmin or MCSE etc. My Name is Charles Babbage, or Alan Turing. Address: Address: Town/City: State/County: Zipcode/Postcode: Country: This detailed information could be sold to IT recruiters, used for identity theft, password collection, or used for other mass marketing purposes. Security questions are often used by sensitive sites such as domain registries to authenticate users who have lost their passwords. This is very alarming information collection. -- Av8 Internet Prepared to pay a premium for better service? www.av8.net faster, more reliable, better service 617 344 9000