On Tue, Oct 16, 2007 at 11:48:00AM -0600, Alain Durand wrote:
240/4 is tainted. The fact that some code exist somewhere to make it work is good, but the reality is that there are tons of equipment that do not support it. Deploying a large network with 240/4 is a problem of the same scale as migrating to IPv6, you need to upgrade code, certify equipment, etc...
Sorry, but this is a completely bogus argument. The edits necessary to allow 240/4 took about 10 minutes on Linux (figuring out the kernel build/install process took longer, but I'm out of practice). OSX (and perhaps FreeBSD) doesn't require any changes - you can already configure on your Mac today. For someone familiar with deploying binary patches on Windows, Linux, etc., I'm guessing that appropriate changes could be available in a matter of days. Compared to the substantial training (just getting NOC monkeys to understand hexidecimal can be a challenge), back office system changes, deployment dependencies, etc. to use ipv6, the effort involved in patching systems to use 240/4 is lost in the noise. Saying "deploying a large network with 240/4 is a problem of the same scale as migrating to ipv6" is like saying that trimming a hangnail is like having a leg amputated; both are painful but one is orders of magnitude more so than the other. --Vince