On 27/08/2021 18:36, Bill Woodcock wrote:
As many of you are aware, AfriNIC is under legal attack by Heng Lu / “Cloud Innovation.”
John Curran just posted an excellent summary of the current state of affairs here:
If, like me, you feel like chipping in a little bit of money to help AfriNIC make payroll despite Heng having gotten their bank accounts frozen, some of the African ISP associations have put together a fund, which you can donate to here:
It’s an unfortunate situation, but the African Internet community has really pulled together to defend themselves, and they’ve got a lot less resources than most of us do.
Why not just use the RIR Joint Stability Fund which was created for exactly these situations before asking for donations? Details here: https://www.nro.net/accountability/rir-accountability/joint-rir-stability-fu... Regards, Hank Caveat: The views expressed above are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer