On Wednesday, November 20, 1996 2:23 PM, Justin W. Newton[SMTP:justin@erols.com] wrote: @ At 02:01 PM 11/20/96 -0600, Jim Fleming wrote: @ >P.S. Regarding your comments about the @ >InterNIC. I have objected to people like yourself @ >having discussions with InterNIC (or NSI) @ >employees about other people's business @ >matters and then running around mailing lists @ >referring to those discussions and acting like @ >you are very chummy with the InterNIC. I @ >think that I have been very clear on those @ >points..."The InterNIC has no business @ >discussing other people's business with @ >you, no matter how buddy buddy you are..." @ @ Jim, @ I would love to see one example where I have made any mention of any @ knowledge given to me by the internic about anyone's business other than my @ own. It simply has never happened. If you are going to make accusations @ back them up. @ I suggest that you read your postings on the ISP mailing list. Do you post to that list ? -- Jim Fleming UNETY Systems, Inc. Naperville, IL e-mail: JimFleming@unety.net JimFleming@unety.net.s0.g0 (EDNS/IPv8)