----- On Jan 1, 2021, at 2:12 PM, Matt Hoppes mattlists@rivervalleyinternet.net wrote: Hi,
How would that even work? Force a pop up into web traffic? What if the end users is using an app on a phone?
Most, if not all, mobile devices connected to cellular already have that option. On my iphone it's under settings->notifications->government alerts. There are three separate options: Amber alerts, Emergency alerts, and Public Safety alerts. Personally, I have all three turned off after receiving nonsens alerts. Amber alerts for children abducted in Los Angeles, only 600km (~450 miles) from the Bay Area, where I live, for example. Or a "public safety" alert telling me that there are too many people in the local Trader Joe's, 2 miles from my home. Aliens always invade New York, so I'm safe up here :) Thanks, Sabri