From: Steve Sobol [mailto:sjsobol@NorthShoreTechnologies.net] Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 4:43 PM
It seems to me that there's been a lot of discussion about IPv6, to the point that the authors of some operating systems[0] have claimed to actually have working code that implements it. However, I haven't seen much talk about actually deploying it[1].
[0] OK, one. I recall seeing somewhere that Linux's TCP/IP code supports it.
it does, in the more recent kernels. It even has the v6-v4 tunnel code.
[1] Truthfully, I don't spend my time with my nose buried in technical journals, and I don't keep up as much with the infrastructure side of things as I'd like to (and probably should), but I would think that this would be big news if it had actually happened.
You might want to know that Mickeysoft also has an IPv6 stack for Windoze. The real issue is getting all those routers and switches deployed. We can then turn up the clients and servers as needed.