Dear All Just wondering if anyone else saw this yesterday afternoon ? Jun 20 16:57:29:E:BGP: From Peer 38.X.X.X received Long AS_PATH= AS_SEQ(2) 174 12956 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 ... attribute length (567) More than configured MAXAS-LIMIT Jun 20 16:15:26:E:BGP: From Peer 78.X.X.X received Long AS_PATH= AS_SEQ(2) 5580 3257 12956 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 23456 ... attribute length (568) More than configured MAXAS-LIMIT Someone is having fun, creating weird and wonderful long AS paths based around AS 23456, we saw the same pattern of data from numerous upstream providers. Kindest Regards, James Braunegg [cid:image001.png@01D280A4.01865B60] 1300 769 972<tel:1300%20769%20972> / 0488 997 207<tel:1300%20769%20972> james@micron21.com<mailto:james@micron21.com> www.micron21.com/<http://www.micron21.com/> [cid:image002.png@01D280A4.01865B60]<http://www.micron21.com/> [cid:image003.png@01D280A4.01865B60]<https://www.facebook.com/micron21/> [cid:image004.png@01D280A4.01865B60]<https://twitter.com/micron21> Follow us on Twitter<https://twitter.com/micron21> for important service and system updates. This message is intended for the addressee named above. It may contain privileged or confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient of this message you must not use, copy, distribute or disclose it to anyone other than the addressee. If you have received this message in error please return the message to the sender by replying to it and then delete the message from your computer.