Randy, In one sense I agree with you, but what I was reacting to was the idea of an ISP begging IETF to reassign 22/8 as private space because their customers won't migrate to IPv6. That's problematic for many reasons, and causes the folks who aren't getting with the program to inflict the pain caused by their inaction on the rest of the network. At the same time, I sympathize with the ISP because if they can't meet their customer's needs (however dumb those needs are) then the customers will leave. I agree that we don't need a flag day for IPv6, but we have to stop creating new accommodations, and we need to be more creative about keeping the pain (aka cost) of not moving forward isolated to the folks who are creating the problems. Doug On 1/21/21 2:22 PM, Randy Bush wrote:
I’m sure we all remember Y2k (well, most of us, there could be some young-uns on the list). That day was happening whether we wanted it to or not. It was an unchangeable, unmovable deadline.
but i thought 3gpp was gong to force ipv6 adoption
let me try it a different way
why should i care whether you deploy ipv6, move to dual stack, cgnat, ...? you will do whatever makes sense to the pointy heads in your c suite. why should i give them or some tech religion free rent in my mind when i already have too much real work to do?