On 1/5/10 2:06 PM, Simon Lockhart wrote:
I have an answer to that problem, but not everyone would agree with it [1].
One of my biggest beefs with some people is that they'll stand there with their fingers in their ears yelling LA LA LA if you point out to them that not every person in the world can use Linux/UNIX/etc. Some businesses _must_ use Windows to support the applications they use.
[1] That said, when I've had no choice but to use a Win2k3 web server, I've proxy-passed it behind an Apache server.
Except that it requires yet another machine to be sold to a customer who already laid out however many thousands of dollars for a server + licenses + CALs + applications. If we already have the firewall, its _very_ hard for me to justify to the customer another chunk of cash for a second firewall just for the server. -- Brielle Bruns The Summit Open Source Development Group http://www.sosdg.org / http://www.ahbl.org