Its a ruse. :) xX36 simms work wonderfully. Just make sure that you get good quality (i.e. Kingston) and that they have tin leads instead of gold... Cherio. On Mon, 21 Oct 1996, Patrick Lynch wrote:
I have to follow up on this comment you made. I work for an ISP in Indianapolis called IHETS. We have 7 cisco 7500 series routers on our backbone. Wre just spent a chunck of money to upgrade the RAM on them to 64Meg. If yoiu are saying that regular SIMMS work in Cicso routers, then I'll shoot myself in the foot. I'd like to know if you have used this method and how well it works out in the field. Does latency increase with *unqualified* Cisco memory, or is the *unqualified* *qualified* Cisco ram stuff just a big ruse? Thanks for your input.
On Mon, 21 Oct 1996, Alexis Rosen wrote:
alex@relcom.eu.net writes:
and WHY have I to pay 3,500$ for the 32Mb ram if this RAM costs 600$ on the free market???).
Dunno for sure about the 4xxx, but the 7xxx use standard SIMMs, and Cisco has even qualified some manufacturers' parts. Oddly enough, they have also *disqualified* some parts that you'd think were exactly the same. I don't know the details there. The sales types obviously don't like to talk about it, but you really *can* get $12k of 7500 memory for $800. And they'll even agree that it works, if you talk to the right cisco folks.
Yep, it uses standard SIMMs, I have upgraded many of them.