On Sun, 29 Jun 2008, Jim Popovitch wrote:
On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 1:21 PM, Peter Beckman <beckman@angryox.com> wrote:
Let the search engines organize the web, not DNS.
OK, (assuming you believe that), why keep dns around. Why not go back to just IP addrs and hosts files for those that need them.
DNS is useful in masking IP address changes, and for humans navigating the Internet. DNS is not useful for organizing the web. Additional TLDs isn't going to help organize the web. Search engines and portals organize the web. DNS will be increasingly less useful as the Internet continues to expand and grow, and normal non-geek non-nanog humans will increasingly rely on search engines and portals to find what they need, not domain names. Beckman --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter Beckman Internet Guy beckman@angryox.com http://www.angryox.com/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------