Am 27.06.2015 um 16:38 schrieb Bob Evans:
We have a greater supply for packets to travel than we do for addresses required to move packets. Do you know how many packets a single IP address can generate or utilize, if it was attached too "The World's Fastest Internet" in someplace like Canadaland or Sweden on init7's Fiber7 ?
Thanks for mentioning Fiber7, which is actually available in Switzerland, not Sweden. And every Fiber7 customer gets a /48, too. -- Fredy Kuenzler --------------------- Fiber7. No Limits. https://www.fiber7.ch --------------------- Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. AS13030 St.-Georgen-Strasse 70 CH-8400 Winterthur Skype: flyingpotato Phone: +41 44 315 4400 Fax: +41 44 315 4401 Twitter: @init7 / @kuenzler http://www.init7.net/