4 Feb
4 Feb
7:17 p.m.
On Thu, Jan 29, 2004 at 11:10:49AM -0500, vivienm@dyndns.org said: [snip]
This is because your mom doesn't want to have to hire a technical consultant to manage her IT infrastructure when all she wants to do is get email pictures of her grandkids.
Then yer mom should get a Mac.
And if she's like my mom, she'll be in the aisle in the computer store (well, the big box electronics store, more realistically) and be like "Why should I pay $2000 for this one when I can get 'a computer' for $500?" [1]
Buy her an eMac. $700. -- Scott Francis | darkuncle(at)darkuncle(dot)net | 0x5537F527 "I gave you the chance of aiding me willingly, but you have elected the way of pain!" -- Saruman, speaking for sysadmins everywhere