http://www.ydi.com Curtis On Thu, 16 Aug 2001, Joel Jaeggli wrote:
if you have line of sight you can look into microwave equipment. the spectrum(18,23,38 ghz) is generally liscensed so there are regulatory hurdles to jump through unless you're down in the 5725-5825mhz unliscensed band...
These days this mostly makes sense if there's no physical infrastructure in place.
take a look at:
for radio's for that sort of thing.
On Thu, 16 Aug 2001, Cerqua, Toby wrote:
hey all,
we've got a client that wants some crazy stuff, and i need either suggestions or confirmation that this is impossible/too expensive.
client needs 45Mbps pushed over 20 miles... and he wants it wireless. the kicker is that they don't want a T3 because it is "too expensive" and it would take too long to get installed. it doesn't need to be constant, but he wants to move of 2.5GB within 45 minutes. this is in the chicago area, if that helps any. so, i don't know, satellite?
- toby ----------------------------------------------- t@platinumsystems.net http://www.platinumsystems.net
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