On Wed, Jul 10, 2002 at 09:17:56AM -0500, John Kristoff wrote:
On Wed, Jul 10, 2002 at 07:04:38AM -0700, nanog wrote:
Subject says it all. GBLX upgraded some edge routers to a new JunOS release (possibly 5.3 rev 24)- and now our bgp sessions continually reset with:
Jul 10 06:58:24 MST: %BGP-3-NOTIFICATION: sent to neighbor X.X.X.X 3/3 (update missing required attributes) 0 bytes
I don't know about gblx, but I saw a problem like this at our border. After JunOS was upgraded to 5.3r2.4 (other side IOS) the session was continually being reset. The bgp session between theser two peers was setup with family inet any (for multicast peering) and when that was removed, the problem went away. I also heard about a problem that may be related I2 was having with their Juniper code, it sounded related, but I haven't investigated the details yet.
That was it- A quick TAC case later (about 10 minutes turnaround from problem submission to resolution- upgrade IOS or remove multicast from bgp peer) and the problem is fixed. I removed multicast since it was not required on this peer, and will schedule the IOS upgrade during a more friendly maintenance window. GBLX, however, has not returned my call since I opened a high priority, customer down ticket about 1.5 hours ago. Like all other support calls to their NOC, this seems to have disappeared into nevernever land. I love the GBLX network when it works, but god help you if you ever need to talk to a clueful NOC person to fix a problem (especially after hours.) bill