Pardon my forwardness, but don't people just multi-home these days? If your network connection is that mission critical, then having at least two providers would be prudent. Keep Cogent for el cheapo/variable latency connection, but have a reliable second and/or third source (i.e. Sprint, UUNET/Verizon). All of these issues have convinced me to multihome with Sprint as soon as my fiber-to-the-home-business is finished. Granted I still have a single point of failure with the single fiber into my cable co (which will allow me to multi-home with Sprint and cable co TWC, ASN 20001) but the crime rate in my area is MUCH lower in the last mile. Much less chance of gunfire taking it down. I am more worried about that critical path in Cleveland; hopefully Sprint and Level3/ATDN (TWC multihomed providers) keep their fiber buried more deeply in high crime/railroad areas... -- This mail was scanned by BitDefender For more informations please visit http://www.bitdefender.com