Hi Andy (and all who responded), Thanks for the heads-up on the redirection on SMTP traffic. I've yet to see an implementation of it but I agree that it's a possible solution. As for the issue I raised previously, perhaps corporate users isn't a good example but what about users of email services such as Gmail and the like? Some users do use the SMTP service instead of the web interface. But redirection should do the trick. And thanks to all who remind me about rfc 2476 - I'm not a mail admin so I'm not familiar with it but I'll read up on it. Andy Dills wrote:
And wouldn't those corporate types require VPN to access the network?
On top of that, most who "block" 25 don't block it but direct it to internal mail servers where it can be subjected to limits and filtering.
--- Andy Dills Xecunet, Inc. www.xecu.net 301-682-9972 ---
For what it's worth, that's what port 587 was created for.