Hi NANOGers, for our research on ROV (and ROV++, our extension, NDSS'21), we need access to historical data of blacklisted prefixes (due to spam, DDoS, other), as well as suspect-hijacks list (beyond BGPstream which we already have). Basically we want to measure if the overlap (and non-overlap) btw such `suspect' prefixes and ROV-Invalid prefixes. Any help would be appreciated. I'm not sure the list would be interested so I recommend you respond to me privately; if there are useful responses, I could post a summary to the list after few days (of collecting responses, if any). thanks and regards... Amir -- Amir Herzberg Comcast professor of Security Innovations, Computer Science and Engineering, University of Connecticut Homepage: https://sites.google.com/site/amirherzberg/home `Applied Introduction to Cryptography' textbook and lectures: https://sites.google.com/site/amirherzberg/applied-crypto-textbook <https://sites.google.com/site/amirherzberg/applied-crypto-textbook>