If anyone offers to "test" your DDoS devices across a network that you do not 100% own, you are risking legal issues. If they offer to test it across your own network, make sure you have in writing from you upper management that they understand the risk and approve it. If you choose to do it anyway then you are taking a LARGE risk. Testing should be in your lab and even then you should understand 100% what is happing to avoid leaking attack traffic into the internet. -jim On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 2:24 PM, Ryan Pugatch <rpug@lp0.org> wrote:
Hi Dovid,
I recommend checking out NimbusDDOS. http://www.nimbusddos.com/
I know that they have done exactly this for several notable customers, and also provide insights into impacts (they don't just blindly run the attacks for you, they provide intelligence behind what's happening to help you make sense of what is going on.)
Contact me off list if you want me to set up an intro.
On Mon, Jul 27, 2015, at 11:32 AM, Dovid Bender wrote:
Hi All,
We are looking into a few different DDOS solutions for a client. We need a LEGITIMATE company that can simulate some DDOS attacks (the generic + specific to the clients business). Anyone have any recommendations?