* Nick Hilliard <nick@foobar.org> [2014-04-26 22:56]:
the situation was created by the openbsd team, not the ieee, the ietf or iana.
that's nothing short of a lie.
The openbsd foundation raised $153,000 this year. Why not invest $2500 of this and fix the problem?
good luck finding another project of our size running on such a small budget. how about putting your money where your mouth is? this is all open source. when you don't like something or see a problem, there are always two options: 1) whine which doesn't change anything 2) work out a solution -- Henning Brauer, hb@bsws.de, henning@openbsd.org BS Web Services GmbH, AG Hamburg HRB 128289, http://bsws.de Full-Service ISP - Secure Hosting, Mail and DNS Services Dedicated Servers, Rootservers, Application Hosting