Might I suggest that a new group be set up to discuss and handle operational issues? Clearly this is no longer it... and this list has no value if we keep having to dig through the manure to find the pony. I'm getting more spam from this list than I'm bouncing from AGIS. Enough already. Please. Rodney Joffe Genuity Inc., a Bechtel company http://www.genuity.net
-----Original Message----- From: Paul Ferguson [SMTP:pferguso@cisco.com] Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 1997 8:58 AM To: Phil Howard Cc: nanog@merit.edu Subject: Re: NSP ... New Information
At 10:38 AM 06/11/97 -0500, Phil Howard wrote:
One way is to divide the IP space up into value tiers and bid for it. I'm sure NSI would be more than willing to do this :)
Oh, no. Not this thread again. Somehow I get the feeling that the signal/noise ratio is about to taka a nosedive again.
This issues has been hashed, and re-hashed, to death on various mailing lists, to include NANOG. I would suggest that if this is an issue that you wish to discuss/pursue, please take it to the PIARA mailing list: piara-request@apnic.net
- paul