I would say, if you’re looking to build or expand your networks, focus on how you can get the fiber out there, there’s a lot of money available if you’re willing to take it. It might mean taking the USF money and the obligations that go with that in reporting, compliance, etc.. but those costs don’t have to be onerous if you are mindful of how the programs work and have the right integration/reporting.
Yep. No one is forcing carriers to take USF money. They can essentially build whatever they want without USF money. However, if they do take the USF money, what should be the absolute minimum delivery requirements? They can always build above the minimum. Its essentially a reverse auction. If the government sets the requirements too high, the carriers claim they will walk away and the long-tail of broadband doesn't happen. If the government sets the requirements too low, the carriers take the money and build less. The historical problem is carriers promise whatever it takes to win, take the money and don't deliver (or demand more money to finish).