Is funny that both ICANN and law enforcement are trying to clean up whois information to facilitate investigative capabilities. What a crock. On paper, and in theory, having 'clean' whois data is nice, and helpful for tech problems, which is the reason I think why it's there in the first place. As if nobody thought about having a 'front man' doing a registration, or even that the Registrars will be able to truly implement such data-integrity protocols, among any other ways to muck with this info. I mean, garbage in, garbage out. Are they going to go door-to-door like censustakers to verify this info? The reality is it will never work, and besides - any smart criminal will simply use another domain name, or not even USE a domain name.....a power-user computer criminal shouldn't have problems remembering a few IP addys. If they can't, they're stupid and deserve to be caught. rick infowarrior.org
From: Martin Hannigan <hannigan@fugawi.net> Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 23:51:14 -0400 (EDT) To: Jake Baillie <jake@priva.com> Cc: "Howard C. Berkowitz" <hcb@gettcomm.com>, <nanog@merit.org> Subject: Re: ICANN requirement for "information refreshing"?
On Tue, 18 Jun 2002, Jake Baillie wrote:
At 07:09 PM 6/18/2002 -0400, Howard C. Berkowitz wrote:
On searching the ICANN-Verisign contract at the ICANN site, I could find no requirement for refreshing. I'm concerned this may be a covert marketing activity, since the web page for "refreshing" very easily could have led me into buying services from Verisign. This seems to be of operational interest to service providers hosting domains, if Verisign/Netsol can confuse people into shifting their service to them.
(from ICANN Registrar Accreditation Agreement - http://www.icann.org/registrars/ra-agreement-17may01.htm):
3.4.1 During the Term of this Agreement, Registrar shall maintain its own electronic database, as updated from time to time, containing data for each active Registered Name sponsored by it within each TLD for which it is accredited. The data for each such registration shall include the elements listed in Subsections through; the name and (where available) postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and fax number of the billing contact; and any other Registry Data that Registrar has submitted to the Registry Operator or placed in the Registry Database under Subsection 3.2.
I guess you could consider that email as an attempt to "maintain" their database. That being said, the email I received contains a link which sends me to their homepage. Not very helpful if you're clueless about such matters.
I too got one. Define "refresh". as far as I'm read it, if my data is accurate, I'm all set.
Bah. Spammers.