In message <4D4C8AF8.1030703@brightok.net>, Jack Bates writes:
On 2/4/2011 5:11 PM, Mark Andrews wrote:
No, a /48 is equivalent to a single IP.
You loose a little bit with small ISPs as their minimum is a /32 and supports up to 64000 customers. The bigger ISPs don't get to waste addresses space. And if a small ISP is getting space from a big ISP it also needs to maintain good usage ratios.
Read the rest of what I said again. In the layout I used, a /32 is a /32. a /28 is a /28. Yet when you look at what is being assigned in IPv6 and you look at what we assign in IPv4, it's pretty laughable.
It took years for me to get to a /16 of IPv4; where a /16 of IPv4 is small change for many large providers. In IPv6, a /16 is well out of my league and much larger than many large providers will ever need.
A /16 of IPv4 is a /32 of IPv6 if you were only delivering 1 address per customer. If you were delivering /28's to customers that /16 is equivalent to a /36. /32 get assigned to ISPs. Those ISPs assign /48s downstream. The only place where that doesn't happen is ISP to ISP assignments (resellers). /48 get assigned to everybody else. The whole internet has shifted a minimum of 16 bits to the right. In many cases it will be 32 bits to the right. If ISP's only give out /56 then the shift is 24 bits. I used to work for CSIRO. Their /16's which were got back in the late 80's will now be /48's. Mark
A /28 (medium ISP) is equiv to an IPv4 /28. A /24 (high medium, large ISP) is equiv to an IPv4 /24. A /16 (a huge ISP) is equiv to an IPv4 /16. Get the picture?
So, I currently route a /16 worth of deaggregated IPv4 address space (sorry, allocation policy fault, not mine). There is NEVER a time that I will be allocated an IPv6 /16 from ARIN. Heck, the most I'll ever hope for is the current proposal's nibble boundary which might get me to a /24. I'll never talk to ARIN again after that.
-- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: marka@isc.org