Sorry, but I can't find a Worldcom press release anywhere. I don't feel right cutting and pasting the entire article, but the location is slated to be Dallas.
(BTW, isn't it scandalous that MFS would copy the PacBell NAP and build a MAE using S'com BPX switches? I went back and checked the nanog archives and compiled a list of all the ISPs that swore they would never connect to an ATM NAP. How many are planning to disconnect from the MAEs when the ATM switches come up?)
Yes and no. Sure a lot of people that said they would not connect to a ATM NAP, but things do change. The current FDDI NAPs are just not able to support the current load and their is no good way to expand them. ATM has changed a lot in the last 4 years. ATM switched have come a long way, sure they are still not where I would like to see them, but they are getting there. I don't think it matters anyone, the whole public NAP idea (I think was a good idea) is dead.
I don't think the point is really worth arguing. It's not the fact that they chose a particular technology. I think it was particularly nice that they asked their potential customers what they should deploy. Who knows...maybe the did ask, but I don't think they asked the right people. Dave (who's waiting to see a NAP built with a GSR (or similar) ) -- Dave Siegel dave@rtd.net Network Engineer dave@pager.rtd.com (alpha pager) (520)579-0450 (home office) http://www.rtd.com/~dsiegel/