At 08:03 AM 3/12/02 -0500, Spencer.Wood@dot.state.oh.us wrote:
If memory serves, Alltel has fully merged the old WRT company into it's organization, so it's really just Alltel...
I'm noticing the same thing happening with Ameritech and SBC.....In the recent meetings we have had with Ameritech, they are now referring to them selves as SBC, along with SBC Business cards......I would be surprised if Ameritech exist in another 5 years....
Visit www.pacbell.com, www.snet.com, www.swbell.com, and www.ameritech.com - same website, slightly different content... -- JustThe.net LLC - Steve "Web Dude" Sobol, CTO ICQ: 56972932/WebDude216 website: http://JustThe.net email: sjsobol@JustThe.net phone: 216.619.2NET postal: 5686 Davis Drive, Mentor On The Lake, OH 44060-2752 DalNet: ZX-2