Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap, that's all I can figure. No budget? As a customer, I feel really shafted considering the rates that UUNet charges. As for the time element, anyone off of this router could have seen this coming, oh, about 8 months ago... In the future, I'd like to hand my (well, not MY, the owner's) thousands to someone that understands the word proactive. Not being big enough to get a fully-routable CIDR block kind of locks one in from making snap decisions on bandwidth. My UUNet complaints file contains at least 100 messages with examples of the poor performance of that router. I get form letters in return... "Look, I'm pinging you at 3am, and look how fast it goes!". blech blech blech. Don't use UUNet if you are not a multihomed, CIDR-ized playah. C ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ Charles Sprickman Internet Channel INCH System Administration Team (212)243-5200 spork@inch.com access@inch.com On Mon, 30 Jun 1997, Deepak Jain wrote:
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 21:15:07 -0400 (EDT) From: Deepak Jain <deepak@jain.com> To: Wayne Bouchard <web@typo.org> Cc: Charles Sprickman <spork@inch.com>, alex@nac.net, jbeck@connectnet.com, nanog@merit.edu Subject: Re: Plethora of UUnet outages and instabilities
Why wouldn't upgrading the router's CPU or splitting the load between two separate routers solve the problem? Maybe that's not an overnight solution [unless you have spare RSPs in the POP/colo point] but it seems pretty straight forward to me.
On Mon, 30 Jun 1997, Wayne Bouchard wrote:
I know one of the problems that UUNET has been having (and I believe several other folks as well) is high CPU usage on many of their routers. (When the ping times to the router itself get high its either a congested link or, usually, a router thats spinning hard..) However, thats not a problem you can fix easily or fix overnight.
Oh God, NYC1. Look out for that ugly beast... We are unfortunate enough to have a connection off of that thing. The NOC is good, if you're up for entertainment. Let me count the times I've heard "what's traceroute" on the phone with them. Let me tell you about outages where they "forgot to take the loopback off the T" for like 6 hours. Or my favorite (once you hit a high-level brainwashed engineer) the good old "I don't see *any* packet loss, so everything is OK". "Yes, but I'm seeing ping times of 500ms to your router, and our line isn't near saturation by a long shot"... "I don't see any packet loss", etc...
blech. I would not recommend them to my worst enemy.
~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ Charles Sprickman Internet Channel INCH System Administration Team (212)243-5200 spork@inch.com access@inch.com
On Mon, 30 Jun 1997, Alex Rubenstein wrote:
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 18:18:06 -0400 From: Alex Rubenstein <alex@nac.net> To: Josh Beck <jbeck@connectnet.com>, nanog@merit.edu Subject: Re: Plethora of UUnet outages and instabilities
All I know is they suck moose nipples, and I disconnected from them last week. They have been having problems in/around cr1.nyc1 for MONTHS now, and they are doing nothing (that I can see) to fix it. Thier first-level support is horrendous. One guy once said to me, "Routers have processors?!". Another hung up when I told him to put "CUSTOMER IS IRATE" on the trouble ticket.
There are some GOOD guys over there, but them seem to be disappearing? (are you there, Mr. Hannan?)
HELLO, GENUITY (anyone who is looking for a new provider, Genuity is DAMN good. and a DAMN good NOC. Sales guys are a little whacky, tho).
At 02:12 PM 6/30/97 -0700, Josh Beck wrote:
Has everyone else been seeing the almost daily UUnet outages recently, does anyone know what the true causes of these have been?
"Don't go with a spineless ISP; we have more backbone."
Alex Rubenstein -- alex@nac.net -- KC2BUO -- www.nac.net net @ccess corporation, 201-983-0725 -- 201-983-0725
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Wayne Bouchard GlobalCenter web@primenet.com Primenet Network Engineering Internet Solutions for (602) 416-6422 800-373-2499 x6422 Growing Businesses FAX: (602) 416-9422 http://www.primenet.com http://www.globalcenter.net ----------------------------------------------------------------------