On Mon, 21 Dec 1998, Robert Tarrall wrote:
alex@nac.net wrote: -> some luser off of AT&T DIalup is using mailme.com (my domain) for relaying -> mail: -> Received: from mailme.com (146.st-louis-71-72rs.mo.dial-access.att.net -> [...] -> He is sending thousands of emails to AOL users, who is then bouncing them -> to me. -> [...] -> Thinking about this, there is no solution; here are my options: ->
You forgot:
4) Deny relaying, which sendmail 8.9.1a will do by default (has worked great for us so far), and
I almost said that, but then I read the header he posted. This wasn't a case of relaying...it's just "from address forgery". The same problem I posted about a week or two ago. Some moron sends out a few hundred thousand messages relayed through a variety of 3rd parties, claiming to be from idontexist@yourscrewed.com...yourscrewed.com being your domain. When the 3rd party relays fail to deliver tens of thousands of messages because the spammer bought a 3rd rate address list full of bogus addresses, guess where the bounces go?
5) Deny access to dial-access.att.net (and dialsprint.net,da.uu.net, pub-ip.psi.net, etc) which is what we're doing here just because we get so much spam directly from such dialup accounts these days.
And if you use a service like iPass, this becomes highly inconvenient for your customers unless you've setup a relay after pop3 hack. ----don't waste your cpu, crack rc5...www.distributed.net team enzo--- Jon Lewis <jlewis@fdt.net> | Spammers will be winnuked or Network Administrator | nestea'd...whatever it takes Florida Digital Turnpike | to get the job done. ______http://inorganic5.fdt.net/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key________