On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 9:55 AM Mark Tinka <mark.tinka@seacom.mu> wrote:
MX204 be good for that ?
I'm sure it will be - it's an MPC7 in a cage :-).
Anyone know why MX204 has so few ports? It seems like it only has WAN side used, leaving FAB side entirely unused, throwing away 50% of free capacity. MX80/MX104 have both sides for revenue ports. I would GLADLY take 50% more ports in MX204, without taking any more PPS or QoS bandwidth. Is this because we as a community are so anal towards vendors about PPS performance that JNPR marketing forbade them making pizza-box MPC7 using all the capacity in fears of people being angry about not being able to do good PPS on all ports? As far as I understand, it would have been zero cost to have double ports in MX204, if you don't want to use them, there is capex efficient vendor-agnostic, single-spare solution[0] to turn any platform back into full PPS platform. I want my free ports, in metro application you are limited by your east+west capacity and you can never see more PPS, but you want to add more edges. [0] http://z.ip.fi/BVLE -- ++ytti