In message <05f001c41474$f8ae7080$6401a8c0@alexh>, "Alexei Roudnev" writes:
It means, that satellite (with it's 1 second delay and unavoidable echo) should be better accepted for _profeccionsl_ phone connection (such as, for example, connection between remote oil wells and central office), because you can always stay with delay, if follow some talking discippline (and it is better than trunking radio, anyway), while it will be less acceptable for home / residential users.
Delay (by itself) does not influence voice quaility, but it required strick talking discipline / policy to avoid misunderstanding, echo and so on. We can expect such discipline from professional workers, but you never expect it from your 5 y.old kid.
Fair enough. I should add one more thing: with that sort of delay, you need good echo cancellers. If you're getting echo, they're not good enough, I suspect... --Steve Bellovin, http://www.research.att.com/~smb