Maybe they should have used internet2 as a mechanism of getting people moved to ipv6 by requiring IPv6 only on internet2. As the migration to internet2 continues, this sould also force migration to IPv6. Vendors who want to sell to customer on internet2 would have to support IPv6. Organizations that have completed the move to internet2 would be given new space in IPv6 and have to return any IPv4 space as part of the move. Might seem a little draconian, but might also get the conversoin done with less disruption overall.
I disagree, IPv6 is already significantly being deployed in the Inernet2. So far though that is only used by University and research orgs, kinda like Arpanet was in teh begining. Significant new applications are being deployed for it specifically, and great innovations are taking place. Eventually, that will replace the Internet as we know it today, and IPv6 will be implemented, unless someone comes up with anything better, which isnt that unlikely. Morgan
-----Original Message----- From: smd@clock.org [mailto:smd@clock.org] Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 15:56 To: David.Conrad@nominum.com; mohta@necom830.hpcl.titech.ac.jp Cc: nanog@merit.edu; ted@mirror-image.net Subject: Re: IPv6 allocatin (was Re: ARIN Policy on IP-based Web Hosting)
| When, do you think, will IPv6 come someywhere close to being | significantly deployed?
When pigs fly and the devil invests in snow-removal equipment.
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-- Richard Shetron multics@ruserved.com multics@acm.rpi.edu NO UCE What is the Meaning of Life? There is no meaning, It's just a consequence of complex carbon based chemistry; don't worry about it The Super 76, "Free Aspirin and Tender Sympathy", Las Vegas Strip.