On Mon, 22 Oct 2007 16:13:52 MDT, Sean Figgins said:
And, is it really a burden if you SEND me an email to validate yourself? If it IS such a burden, then I invite you not to send email to start with, especially not to me.
That would be all fine and good - if I was being asked to validate mail that I actually sent to you. I've seen very few true positives for this, compared to two *large* classes of false positives: 1) I'm being asked to verify my address because some malware found my address on a hard drive and stuck it in the From: field. I'm sorry, but if you're asking me to verify that, it *is* a burden - you are admittedly *starting off* assuming that it's bad and *needs* some sort of verification. So by definition, you're imposing on people to validate that they're real. 2) The rest of the time, I'm being asked to verify myself because I posted to a mailing list, and some idiot failed to whitelist the list address. Homework question: Does this method scale? What would happen to your inbox if *everybody* on this list did this sort of thing? (Bonus points for figuring out what happens when two people who *both* use this scheme try to exchange email. Hint - my system didn't recognize your C/R format, and concluded it was an e-mail addressed to me. What happens next?)
(Please respond only through the list)
This is NANOG. If you wish to hijack the semantics of my REPLY button, feel free to actually include a Reply-To: field that expresses the semantics that you desire.