My response is based on the mail you exchanged with Dennis which I thought you had a question of why it is announced 5000 some nets on T1 but actually you do not get that much. Apparently you were asking something else, looking at your original message. Here is the answer of your original question:
T1 Network: ----------
Total T1 announced networks: 5012
T3 Network: ----------
Total configured T3 networks: 5012
Is this right? Are there really 5012 T3 routes?
I think it is a typo. The number of nets CONFIGURED on T3 as of today is 2731.
Jessica, Confusion reigns again :-) This is exactly what had me puzzled. Thanks for the info! On a different note, do you keep track of T1 only sites? I.e. Sites that are only reachable via the T1 backbone? Erik